Get information about Gastroentrology Department
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, KIMS is headed by Prof Anil C Anand (MD, DM, DNB). The mission of the department is to provide comprehensive high end clinical care as well as emergency services for patients suffering from disorders of digestive tract and liver through a team of highly experienced Gastroenterologists supported by state of art technology. It provides routine OPD as well as round the clock emergency services for all disorders of digestive system, liver and pancreato-biliary system including both basic and advanced endoscopic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The department has been instrumental in starting the following therapeutic modalities in the state of Odisha which were lacking earlier and patients used to travel out of the state for the same.
A. Transjugular liver biopsy B. Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) C. Trans-arterial chemo-embolization (TACE) for liver cancer D. Pancreatic ERCP for chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic duct disruption E. Fibroscan
The department has been crucial in research and publications. It has hosted the consensus meetings for Acute Liver Failure in April and July 2019 which were attended by liver experts across the country for formulating guideline for management of acute liver failure (ALF). Besides, it has organized workshops for hands on training in third space endoscopy and a national conference [KPLD 2019 (KIMS perspective on Liver and Digestive diseases 2019)]. The faculties of the department have published their research in peer review international and national journals.
DM (Gastroenterology): The department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, KIMS has been offering DM (Gastroenterology) course from the year 3 year with an annual intake of 3 students.