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Seminar on ‘Antibiotic Use and stewardship’

A seminar on antibiotic use, abuse and stewardship was organized by department of medicine, KIMS on September 23, 2017. Eminent faculties from SUM hospital, Apollo Hospital, AMRI Hospital and Kalinga Hospital, Bhubaneswar participated in the seminar

It was inaugurated by Dr. Jyotin Das, Principal, KIMs and Major General P.K Pattnaik, Medical Superintend. VSM KIMS, Prof. N. K Debata illuminated on the changing scene in microbial flora and invasion by long thought innocuous organism. Prof. Mishra highlighted on the bugs and bacterial cleverness to quickly metabolize, efflux and changing of binding proteins and antibiotic target.

Since no new class of antibiotic has been developed during past two decades, we have to be very judicious in using the available antibiotics, avoiding their indiscriminate and rampant use. Our helplessness is that, we are facing poverty over plenty. Prof. Brig. A.P Mohanty, VSM highlighted on the topic “How Indians are on the top in antibiotic consumption followed by Chinese and American”.

“We should put all restraints on use of antibiotics. Simple Diarrhoea and trivial upper respiratory infections do not warrant antibiotics. However, many self limited infections can be taken care of without resorting to antibiotics. Antibiotics and the Magic Bullets of last century are gradually losing their charm”.

Subsequent speakers emphasized on the ways and means to check spreading of antibiotic resistant organism in hospitals. They opined that, proper hand washing can prevent hospital acquired infection. “It is high time for all of us to wake up and work coherently to preserve sensitivity of available antibiotics.

As cash rich drug companies are shying away from costly and cumbersome antibiotic research and government funding is not coming up, the health care community must work coherently to face the challenge”.

Faculties from different Departments. Post Graduate students and interns of KIMS attended the conference.

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